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Company group management

The term 'company group' in CO3 refers to both customers with physically separate locations, businesses with the same ownership, and a network of other firms with looser ties to the groups.

The use of a company-wide single account brings together the processes of different companies, which, combined with the possibility of a single data entry, greatly reduces the administrative burden, thus ensuring efficient group-wide working, common product and partner structures and interoperability of projects. And for management, it allows them to access the company and group level reports they need with the minimum of effort.


Management of companies under one management

The management of companies under the same management can be done in one account by using the company group management. In this case, the User can decide which company within the company group he wants to work with and which company data he wants to access by using the drop-down menu under his profile. By clicking on the selected company, the system will automatically transfer the user to that company in the group. The user can then only access the data corresponding to his/her authorisation in the relevant company. For invoices issued in accounts with company group management, it is also possible to enter a unique serial number prefix and logo per company.

Within a company group, user privileges can be split. With SuperAdmin privileges, the "Create new user" function can be used to select which privileges the user can have for which assigned company in the company group.

Important! With SuperAdmin rights, the user has the same rights in all companies of the group. SuperAdmin privilege can do anything with the whole account.
