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Record incoming invoice

There are 2 ways to record an incoming invoice

Directly in the Finance modul

An incoming invoice can be recorded directly, using the "New cost invoice" link in the Finances module. All data of the invoice should be recorded and then, it can be assigned to a project or cost center using the drop-down menu.

After recording and saving the invoice's data, the original invoice or it's scanned version can be attached to the recorded invoice. Invoice images uploaded for incoming invoices are downloaded to the user's computer by default, even then if your browser could have opened it directly. PDF attachments are opened automatically.

A pictogram in the invoice list indicates if the incoming invoice also includes a document uploaded.

The total amount of the invoice can be recorded in one item when your record an incoming invoice. Költség számlákon a számla teljes összegét, egy tételben lehet rögzíteni. In the case of multi-item invoices with different VAT rates, we recommend to record multiple incoming invoices, using the invoice number with subdivision numbering in the serial number field of the invoice .

On the financial sheet of the Project modul

In the project module, add a new cost on the financial tab of that project by selecting “Create Incoming Invoice on Save”. After saving it, the invoice is automatically added to the incoming invoices. Further steps: fill in missing data of the incoming invoice in the Finance window. These parameters are: invoice serial number, payment method, date of issue, payment and fulfillment and uploading the invoice image.

If the “Create incoming invoice when adding expenses by default” setting is ticked in the Projects module’s Settings, then the registered incoming invoices will immediately merge into an incoming invoice with a planned status. This invoice can be later modified in the Projects or Finances module also. If an invoice is linked to a project in the Projects module, the invoice will automatically appear on the project’s Financial sheet. The point is, that the same information will be visible in two places.

Copying incoming invoices

Incoming invoices can be copied by clicking the “Copy invoice” button. Thus you can make new invoices easier. If you want to copy repeating invoices or same priced invoices, you just only need to fill in the invoices’ serial number. The invoice’s cost center and the linked project will automatically be copied too.

Reopening incoming invoices

Incoming invoices with sent or paid statuses can be modified later. Before modifying, the invoice’s status must be set back to saved. Only then you can modify the invoice’s data, and lastly, the invoice’s status needs to be set to sent or paid status.