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Creating advance and final invoices

Due to the legislative changes that came into force in Hungary in May 2004, the advance invoice has ceased to exist as a separate document. This means that an invoice for an advance payment is nowadays no more than a fully traditional invoice, where the issuer of the invoice invoices the customer for an advance payment. Thus, the seller issues an invoice for an advance payment because of the receipt received from the buyer.

The invoice header does not need to include the term "advance invoice", as this is a simple invoice where both the name of the product or service for which the advance has been paid and the word "advance" are indicated in the invoice line item or in the line item note.

Creating these invoices in CO3

The creation of an advance invoice is the same as the creation of a "normal" type of expense invoice, but in the line "Item type" you have to write "Advance". When the invoice is sent to the NAV, the invoice will include the "Advance" description in the line.

If an invoice with a prepaid invoice line has been issued and you want to create a final invoice from it, the "Create final invoice" button will appear on the invoice form when you open the original invoice. When this button is pressed, the line item containing the advance will automatically be marked with a minus sign and the amount of the previous advance will be deducted from the final invoice amount.

If the Invoice is issued from a Purchase Order/Delivery Note, the advance payment can be indicated on the invoice as described above.