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The Settings link marked with a gear icon can be found in the top action bar of the Module. With the help of the options available under Settings, the module can be completely customized, various extra settings can be turned on or off.

By default, the settings are empty, they need to be set by the Super Admin user of the account, i.e. customization.


General settings

The following options can be specified on this page:

  • Up to how many days in advance can users of the account log the time in advance. By entering a value of zero, the possibility of advance logging* can be disabled.
  • How many daily hours can be entered per user. The number of hours specified here cannot be more than 24.
  • Can users of the account log projects that have already been closed?
  • Whether the users with the listed authorizations can log for other users or not
  • Users can log on any project, even if they are not involved in that project *Logging means recording working hours.

Template comments

Here you can enter the short descriptions that appear in the drop-down list on the "Log time" form. By default, the system includes some default comments that can be overwritten here according to needs, i.e. descriptions related to the time spent in the daily processes of your company.