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Deleting, inactivating users

If a user needs to be deleted, than after selecting the user click the “Delete user” button. This will delete user and she/he will no longer be able to access to the account. Entries belong to her/his name will remain, but her/his name will disappear from the system. If you do not want this, we recommend that:

  • before deleting the user the partners associated with the user should be delegated to an active user
  • first remove the user from the project, function or from all other places
  • or it is recommended to inactivate the user

One Super Admin user must always remain in the account, the system does not allow to be deleted.

Inactivating users

You can find inactivation on the user’s Profile, by clicking on “Update information”. At the bottom of the pop-up window tick the checkbox to inactivate the user. This will keep the user’s name in the system. You can keep track of what the user did, who he talked to. However, the user will no longer be able to access to the account.

If you later decide to allow the user to log in again, simply remove the inactivity tick.

IP address restriction

It is possible for each user to set the IP address from which they can access the account. By default, users can access and log in to the account from anywhere. For example, if you want to limit account access to office hours only and to a specific site, you need to set the public IP address of the site. In this case, users can only access to he account through the site's Internet connection.