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Take in

To take in just press the “Take in” button in “Products & stock” module.In the opening window, you can decide to take in products as products, vouchers or tangible assets. he fields to be completed on the form depend on the type of take in.

After saving, the product number will be increased in the defined warehouse automatically.

On Take in sheets the unit price can be defined later, as long as the unit price in the given line is 0 (zero). So when the shipment arrives, the take in can be done immediately based on the quantities. While the real price of an invoice can be registered later. This function only works, if there is an item with a unit price of 0 on the Take in sheet. Only those unit prices are editable, which are 0.

The Take in sheet also has a filtering function, making it easier and faster to manage a hundreds of items' take in. In addition, it is possible to set a bulk price on large numbered sheets.